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attr2str(key: str, attrs: dict) -> str

create attribute string of specific key in an html element


Here shows the attribute string output from diff types of attribute dict value

  • str -> str
>>> attr2str(key="x", attrs={"x": "y"})
' x="y"'
  • empty str -> empty str
>>> attr2str(key="x", attrs={"x": ""})
' x=""'
  • non str truthy -> key itself
>>> attr2str(key="x", attrs={"x": True})
' x'
>>> attr2str(key="x", attrs={"x": 1})
' x'
  • non str falsy -> omit
>>> attr2str(key="x", attrs={"x": False})
>>> attr2str(key="x", attrs={"x": None})
>>> attr2str(key="x", attrs={"x": 0})
  • convert attr underscore to hyphen
>>> attr2str(key="data_y", attrs={"data_y": "y"})
' data-y="y"'
  • convert attr name cls to class
>>> attr2str(key="cls", attrs={"cls": "y"})
' class="y"'

to work around python naming restriction, the key cls will conver to class, and underscore _ will convert to hyphen -


Name Type Description Default
key str

attribute key name

attrs dict

attribute key-value pairs of an element



Name Type Description
str str

attribute portion of an element

Source code in kTemplate/
def attr2str(key: str, attrs: dict) -> str:
    create attribute string of specific key in an html element


        Here shows the attribute string output from diff types of attribute dict value

        - str -> str
        >>> attr2str(key="x", attrs={"x": "y"})
        ' x="y"'

        - empty str -> empty str
        >>> attr2str(key="x", attrs={"x": ""})
        ' x=""'

        - non str truthy -> key itself
        >>> attr2str(key="x", attrs={"x": True})
        ' x'
        >>> attr2str(key="x", attrs={"x": 1})
        ' x'

        - non str falsy -> omit
        >>> attr2str(key="x", attrs={"x": False})
        >>> attr2str(key="x", attrs={"x": None})
        >>> attr2str(key="x", attrs={"x": 0})

        - convert attr underscore to hyphen
        >>> attr2str(key="data_y", attrs={"data_y": "y"})
        ' data-y="y"'

        - convert attr name cls to class
        >>> attr2str(key="cls", attrs={"cls": "y"})
        ' class="y"'

        to work around python naming restriction,
        the key `cls` will conver to `class`,
        and underscore `_` will convert to hyphen `-`

        key (str): attribute key name
        attrs (dict): attribute key-value pairs of an element

        str: attribute portion of an element
    attr = "class" if key == "cls" else key.replace("_", "-")
    val = attrs[key]

    if isinstance(val, str):
        return f' {attr}="{val}"'

    return f" {attr}" if val else ""

create_elements(tags: str) -> list[Callable[..., str]]

create tagged element functions


This is a higher order function that returns a list of functions


  • single element
>>> funcs = create_elements("div")
>>> [f() for f in funcs]
['<div />']
  • multiple elements
>>> funcs = create_elements("a, br")
>>> [f() for f in funcs]
['<a />', '<br />']


Name Type Description Default
tags str

names of functions to be created, comma separated eg. "a, br, div, span"



Type Description
list[Callable[..., str]]

list[TaggedElement]: list of tagged element functions eg. [a br div span]

Source code in kTemplate/
def create_elements(tags: str) -> list[Callable[..., str]]:
    """create tagged element functions

        This is a higher order function that returns a list of functions


        - single element
        >>> funcs = create_elements("div")
        >>> [f() for f in funcs]
        ['<div />']

        - multiple elements
        >>> funcs = create_elements("a, br")
        >>> [f() for f in funcs]
        ['<a />', '<br />']

        tags (str): names of functions to be created, comma separated
            eg. "a, br, div, span"

        list[TaggedElement]: list of tagged element functions
            eg. [a br div span]
    op = []
    for tag in tags.split(","):
        func = partial(element, tag.strip())
        func.__doc__ = f"""`{tag}` element function

    content (str | list[str], optional): Defaults to None.
        text or list of other elements, `None` returns element w/o closing tag
    args (list[str], optional): names of value-less attributes
        - eg. `defer`, `selected`
        - it is also useful for UnoCSS attributify mode
    kwagrs (dict): key-value pairs of html attributes
        - if val is str, assign `key="val"`
        - if key is non-string truthy, assign value-less attribute, eg.
            - selected=True -> selected
            - defer=1 -> defer
        - if key is non-str falsy, the key is omitted
            - eg. <option selected=
    str: `{tag}` element string with attributes

    return op

element(tag: str, content: str | list[str] = None, *args, **kwargs) -> str

return html element with specific tag and attributes


  • void element, content=None (default)
>>> element(tag="br")
'<br />'
  • void element w/ attr
>>> element(tag="img", src="http://img.url")
'<img src="http://img.url" />'
  • empty string content -> element with end tag but no content
>>> element(tag="script", content="", src="url")
'<script src="url"></script>'
  • non-string truthy attrubite -> return attribute key itself
>>> element(tag="option", content="a", selected=True)
'<option selected>a</option>'
  • non-string falsy attrubite -> attribute omitted
>>> element(tag="option", content="a", selected=False)
  • var positional args -> return attribute key itself
>>> element('option', 'foo', 'selected', value='foo')
'<option value="foo" selected>foo</option>'
  • var positional args, useful in UnoCSS attributify mode
>>> element('div', None, 'm-2', 'rounded', 'text-teal-400')
'<div m-2 rounded text-teal-400 />'
  • var positional args + keyword args
>>> element('a', 'foo', 'm-2', 'rounded', 'text-teal-400', href='bar')
'<a href="bar" m-2 rounded text-teal-400>foo</a>'
  • element tree
>>> element(tag="div", content=element("div", "x"))
  • mix text w/ element
>>> element(tag="div", content=f'x{element("i", "y")}')
  • content w/ list of elements -> elements in list are siblings
>>> element(
...     tag="div",
...     content=[element("br"), element("a", content="a link", href="url")]
... )
'<div><br /><a href="url">a link</a></div>'


Name Type Description Default
tag str

element tag name

content str | list[str]

Defaults to None. text or list of other elements, None returns element w/o closing tag

args list[str]

names of value-less attributes - eg. defer, selected - it is also useful for UnoCSS attributify mode

kwagrs dict

key-value pairs of html attributes - if val is str, assign key="val" - if key is non-string truthy, assign value-less attribute, eg. - selected=True -> selected - defer=1 -> defer - if key is non-str falsy, the key is omitted - eg. <option selected=



Name Type Description
str str

html element with specific tag and attributes

Source code in kTemplate/
def element(tag: str, content: str | list[str] = None, *args, **kwargs) -> str:
    """return html element with specific tag and attributes


        - void element, content=None (default)
        >>> element(tag="br")
        '<br />'

        - void element w/ attr
        >>> element(tag="img", src="http://img.url")
        '<img src="http://img.url" />'

        - empty string content -> element with end tag but no content
        >>> element(tag="script", content="", src="url")
        '<script src="url"></script>'

        - non-string truthy attrubite -> return attribute key itself
        >>> element(tag="option", content="a", selected=True)
        '<option selected>a</option>'

        - non-string falsy attrubite -> attribute omitted
        >>> element(tag="option", content="a", selected=False)

        - var positional args -> return attribute key itself
        >>> element('option', 'foo', 'selected', value='foo')
        '<option value="foo" selected>foo</option>'

        - var positional args, useful in UnoCSS attributify mode
        >>> element('div', None, 'm-2', 'rounded', 'text-teal-400')
        '<div m-2 rounded text-teal-400 />'

        - var positional args + keyword args
        >>> element('a', 'foo', 'm-2', 'rounded', 'text-teal-400', href='bar')
        '<a href="bar" m-2 rounded text-teal-400>foo</a>'

        - element tree
        >>> element(tag="div", content=element("div", "x"))

        - mix text w/ element
        >>> element(tag="div", content=f'x{element("i", "y")}')

        - content w/ list of elements -> elements in list are siblings
        >>> element(
        ...     tag="div",
        ...     content=[element("br"), element("a", content="a link", href="url")]
        ... )
        '<div><br /><a href="url">a link</a></div>'

        tag (str): element tag name
        content (str | list[str], optional): Defaults to None.
            text or list of other elements, `None` returns element w/o closing tag
        args (list[str], optional): names of value-less attributes
            - eg. `defer`, `selected`
            - it is also useful for UnoCSS attributify mode
        kwagrs (dict): key-value pairs of html attributes
            - if val is str, assign `key="val"`
            - if key is non-string truthy, assign value-less attribute, eg.
                - selected=True -> selected
                - defer=1 -> defer
            - if key is non-str falsy, the key is omitted
                - eg. <option selected=
        str: html element with specific tag and attributes
    args_str = " " + " ".join(args) if args else ""
    kwarg_str = reduce(lambda cum, key: cum + attr2str(key, kwargs), kwargs, "")

    # content-less `void` element with self closing tag
    if content is None:
        return f"<{tag}{kwarg_str}{args_str} />"

    inner = "".join(content) if isinstance(content, list) else content
    return f"<{tag}{kwarg_str}{args_str}>{inner}</{tag}>"